

Our artist Francesca draws inspiration from what she sees, experiences, and feels. For her, a broken mirror can transform into a work of art, elevating its meaning and sparking reflection on life and how we interpret events. We invite you to explore her creations, to see if any painting resonates with you and you wish to have it near you, or to request a personalized canvas tailored to your current life stage, goals, preferred colors, or inspiring symbols. Whether it’s for a specific wall in your home or office, let us create a beautiful and meaningful piece of art that speaks to you.

Yin Yang Dancing (Dance Collection)

80×80 cm, acrylic on canvas – SOLD


Woman and Seashore (Anatomy Collection)

oil on canvas, 1997 – STOLEN


The Japanese (Travel Collection)

20×20 cm, acrilic on canvas, 2018 – SOLD


The Flock ( Re-Evolution Collection)

100×70 cm, oil on canvas, 2020
