

Feng Shui resonates with principles found in modern quantum physics. It acknowledges that matter is a condensed form of energy, each element possessing its own unique vibrational frequency and intensity. Just as everything in the universe vibrates, humans are also attuned to specific frequencies, constantly interacting within a multifrequency vibrational field. This exchange of energy thrives in natural environments, yet our modern lifestyles often confine us to artificial settings, impeding the flow of cosmic energy.

Rooted in ancient wisdom, Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the necessity of maintaining a balanced flow of energy throughout the body’s energetic channels, ensuring the nourishment of every cell. Thus, it becomes paramount to realign ourselves and our surroundings, adapting spaces to resonate harmoniously with our individual essence and identity.

Achieving alignment with the universe involves more than just physical placement; it entails selecting appropriate locations, facing the correct directions, and engaging in actions that synchronize with the moment’s energy—a fusion of practical effectiveness and ritual significance.

Achieving alignment with the universe involves more than just physical placement; it entails selecting appropriate locations, facing the correct directions, and engaging in actions that synchronize with the moment’s energy—a fusion of practical effectiveness and ritual significance.

‘‘Our strength lies in our Rational and Intuitive Minds, akin to the Left and Right Hemispheres of our brain, embodying the union of Yin and Yang. This harmony of mental and emotional capacities empowers us to manifest reality, crafting enchanting spaces, images, and objects that resonate deeply with our senses.

Francesca Lima

Yingala endeavors to harmonize the macrocosm and microcosm, blending natural spaces with manmade structures. We guide you in directing natural forces into your space, infusing it with vitality and energy.

Through detailed Space Diagnosis, Custom Design, and Symbolic Artworks, Yingala facilitates a harmonious dialogue between you and the Universe. We recognize the environment as a conduit between humanity, Earth, Sky, and Cosmic Space, continuously transmitting messages and energies. Public and private spaces become like “letters” sent to the Universe, invoking both Visible and Invisible Forces and Auxiliary Symbols to manifest your dreams into reality.

Yingala offers the space compass, integrating the Five Element Theory and the 8 trigrams of Bagua, representing fundamental principles of existence. Bagua, meaning “eight areas,” symbolizes key aspects and aspirations of life, providing guidance and alignment on your journey.